Niice Email & Newsletters
Niice helps transform how well teams and partners organize and use the brand value. Check out Niice's emails here.
someone@gmail.com has joined your moodboard: Peaks - Niice Email Newsletter
someone@gmail.com has joined your moodboard: Peaks - Newsletter Text Content NoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist. Download "someone@gmail.com has joined your moodboard: Peaks" Email Newsletter Html Code Someone has joined your moodboard someone-has-joined-your-moodboard.html 127 Bytes download-circle...
NEW! Crop it like it’s hot. - Niice Email Newsletter
NEW! Crop it like it’s hot. - Newsletter Text Content NoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist. Download "NEW! Crop it like it’s hot." Email Newsletter Html Code New crop it like its hot new-crop-it-like-its-hot.html 127 Bytes download-circle...
NEW! Introducing Live Boards. - Niice Email Newsletter
NEW! Introducing Live Boards. - Newsletter Text Content NoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist. Download "NEW! Introducing Live Boards." Email Newsletter Html Code Introducing live boards introducing-live-boards.html 127 Bytes download-circle...
🌟 Time for some Natural Selection - Niice Email Newsletter
🌟 Time for some Natural Selection - Newsletter Text Content Time for some Natural Selection. Introducing Bulk Actions! Our new select feature lets you easily choose multiple items (or everything) on a board and then download, tag, copy or delete them all at once... or add them to a sub-board with...
Niice payment receipt - Niice Email Newsletter
Niice payment receipt- Newsletter Text Content Thanks for your payment! We’ve attached your receipt to this email. Invoice ID: in_xxRGESMILESDAVISxx Total: $65.00 (If you have any questions or feedback, just reply to this email) Download "Niice payment receipt" Email Newsletter Html Code Niice payment receipt niice-payment-receipt.html...
👀 Get more visibility over your team's creative. - Niice Email Newsletter
👀 Get more visibility over your team's creative. - Newsletter Text Content Welcome to Niice! Hi Matthew, thanks for checking out Niice! Here are 3 tips to help you get more visibility over your team's creative. If you have any questions just reply to this email — I'll be happy to hear...
👋 New insights from Annie Nguyen - Niice Email Newsletter
👋 New insights from Annie Nguyen - Newsletter Text Content Issue No 1 • July ‘19 It’s the end of July and summer has finally arrived in Belfast. A scorching 22ºC means that I'm gorging on ice pops and BBQ chicken like there’s no tomorrow. Hopefully the sun is shining...
👋 New insights from David Hayes - Niice Email Newsletter
👋 New insights from David Hayes - Newsletter Text Content Issue No 2 • Aug ‘19 Welp, it's almost September, and you know what that means... Guilt-free movie marathons, cosy crackling fires, and devouring-anything-cinnamon-flavoured-season is just around the corner. Need some time out to process the fact that summer has just went...
👋 New insights from Kim Ridgewell - Niice Email Newsletter
👋 New insights from Kim Ridgewell - Newsletter Text Content Issue No 4 • Dec ‘19 It's that time of year when your inbox is packed full with promo codes and early sales emails, but this isn't one of them. Instead, I'd like to take some time to send festive holiday wishes...
👋 New insights from Chris Hardtman - Niice Email Newsletter
👋 New insights from Chris Hardtman - Newsletter Text Content Issue No 5 • Jan ‘20 Hi everyone! Now that the mulled wine, sweet treats and Christmas gift-giving is nothing but a sweet memory (maybe the new year's resolutions are too? 🤭), it's time to look ahead to 2020. As a company, we're...
🌟 Niice 3.0: Early Access - Niice Email Newsletter
🌟 Niice 3.0: Early Access - Newsletter Text Content Niice 3.0 Early Access Build a home for your brand. It’s 2020, but instead of flying cars we have a global pandemic and Trevor from marketing asking if you could re-send him that logo you sent him last week....
🍂 Autumn update - Niice Email Newsletter
🍂 Autumn update - Newsletter Text Content Autumn update! We've been busy over the past few months working on our Niice 3.0 Early Access launch, but we’re still working on lots of features and improvements along the way—like better text alignment, SVG support and public downloads! Here are...
✨ A brand hub for Disney’s credit union - Niice Email Newsletter
✨ A brand hub for Disney’s credit union - Newsletter Text Content CUSTOMER STORY A whole new world. How the in-house creative team at Disney’s credit union used Niice to adapt to lockdown After months of work, the team at Partners FCU had finally got the go-ahead to send...