Newsletter Subject
Got questions? We have answers.
Gussi Newsletter Content
Got questions?
We have answers
Can I use Gussi on color-treated hair?
You sure can! It's best to use Gussi before coloring
your hair. If you just got hair color, we recommend
waiting at least 5 washes before applying Gussi, to
ensure best results
Is Gussi suitable for all hair types?
Yes, Gussi can be used on all hair! Results may vary
according to a number of factors, like the type of hair
you have, the texture, coarseness, and your hair's
overall condition and health.
Will Hose my curls?
Absolutely not. Our products are formulated to never
break the bonds of the hair, which means your curly
hair can come back whenever you like.
What if I have damaged hair?
You can still #gussiUP! Gussi nourishes hair and
leaves it in better condition than it was prior to the
treatment. Repeated application of Gussi treatments
over time will actually restore your hair's health.
Are the products safe?
They are indeed! All Gussi products are free of formal-
dehyde, parabens, phthalates and methylene glycol.
Gussi is also proudly cruelty-free, so we're safe for our
furry friends, too!
More questions? Visit us