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Happy Valentine’s Day 💘
Peloton Newsletter Content
Meet your match
Fuel your heart's desire by discovering the Peloton product that checks all your boxes. Start your journey today and watch the greatest love story unfold.
"Since December of 2018, it has been love at first ride. I love the workout that it provides, the fantastic instructors, and the incredibly supportive community members."
"It's true, you will love the Bike+! I went from App user in the gym, to Bike+ owner in less than 180 days!"
"After 6 years, I'm still going strong with my workouts. I enjoy alternating time spent on my Peloton Bike with the Tread. I love the music, the challenege, and the options."
"Love it!! Love the device. I am surprised by how much the tracking motivates me - I want to beat my stats every time."
"Love my Row! The Form Assist is amazing and I love all of the feedback after each class. I can see myself improving each time. It's a wonderful full-body workout!"