Day 30. What’s happened so far? - Newsletter Text Content
It’s day 30 since you started your Bellroy journey and we’re keen to know how you’re getting along. Have you slimmed your pockets? Streamlined your things? Discovered a brand new way to carry? Doesn’t it feel good...
So we can keep your journey on track, we’d like to know how it’s been so far.
How likely is it that you will recommend Bellroy to a friend?
Our products are made to be used and loved for a long time. Day one, to day 1000 and beyond. Read about some Bellroy journeys via #mybellroy, and see some day 1000s at @bellroy. And then, it’s over to you.
For the latest insights into all things Bellroy, check out our Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram. You can also visit our Carry Community at Carryology.com.
There's a whole community of Bellroy customers across the globe. To share the vibe and see how other folk use their Bellroys, hashtag #mybellroy.
Your people are important to you. We get it. We now offer corporate gifting solutions and customized product options so you can delight your team, or clients.